
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous minerals that can come in many different forms. If you are a contractor or homeowner you may already know that it can create serious health problems.

Asbestos is classified as a human carcinogen, which makes it dangerous to have in any building, especially if you are doing any remodeling. The best time to remove asbestos is when remodeling the inside of a structure .

In California, a special process is required for removing asbestos. The removal of asbestos must follow specific federal and state regulations and permits, requiring the packaging, sealing and disposing being done very carefully. We use our industry knowledge and experience to provide asbestos removal in San Diego.

Depending on the original construction, asbestos can be found in various places in a building, such as, drywall, insulation, laminate flooring, roofing shingles and other places.

For any building it is important get the asbestos out for the safety anyone else entering the property. If asbestos fibers are released into the air and people come in contact with them, it can cause serious lung and respiratory health conditions and cancer.
